We are pleased to announce that all pupils taking exams
at our recent IDTA sessions
in June, July & December 2018 have passed ?
Well done Spinners and CATS
maintaining our 100% pass rate ?
Our next IDTA examinations will be Saturday, 16th March for all
Ballet & Tapclasses...
Let's get practising ????⭐️???
As a school we regularly have examinations with the IDTA
(International Dance Teachers Association).
All students are encouraged to take these exams in all genres of dance and musical theatre.
The IDTA syllabus will be followed in Ballet, Tap & Musical Theatre classes and Freestyle, Street Dance and Ballroom & Latin classes will cover the necessary figures
to take medals from Rosettes through to International Supreme Awards.
We pride ourselves in having a 100% pass rate in all amateur and professional exams.